2014 - 15
Thirty Third Issue


Government of Pakistan
Statistics Division
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
November, 2015


Labour Force Survey 2014-15 (Annual Report) [pdf format]

Questionnaire 2014-15

Detail of Tables

1 Percentage distribution of population by age, sex and area: Pakistan & Provinces
2 Percentage distribution of population by sex, area and province
3 Percentage distribution of population by age, sex, literacy and level of education: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
4 Percentage distribution of population 10 years of age and over by age, sex and marital status: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
5 Percentage distribution of total population and that of 10 years age and over by age, sex , area and nature of activity Pakistan & Provinces
6 Percentage distribution of civilian labour force 10 years of age and over by age, sex, area and nature of activity: Pakistan & Provinces
7 Percentage distribution of total population and that of 10 years age and over by age, sex, area and nature of activity  (augmented labour force): Pakistan & Provinces
8 Percentage distribution of civilian labour force 10 years of age and over by age, sex, area and nature of activity  (augmented  labour force):  Pakistan & Provinces
9 Percentage distribution of population 10 years of age and over by level of education, sex and nature of activity: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
10 Percentage distribution of population 10 years of age and over by migration status, sex, area and provinces
11 Percentage distribution of migrant population 10 years of age and over by place of present and previous residence, area, sex and provinces.
12 Percentage distribution of migrant population 10 years and over by place of present and previous residence, area, sex and provinces.
13 Percentage distribution of migrant population 10 years of age and over by main reasons of migration, age sex and area.
14 Percentage, distribution of migrant employed persons 10 years of age and over by employment status, number of hours worked during reference week and sex.
15 Percentage distribution of total population by rural/urban migration status, sex, area and province.
16 Percentage distribution of rural-urban and urban-rural migrants of total population by sex, area and provinces.
17 Percentage distribution of rural/urban migrant population by main reasons of migration, sex and areas.
18 Labour force participation rates and un-employment rates by age, sex and area:  Pakistan & Provinces
19 Labour force participation rates and un-employment rates by age, sex and area : Pakistan & Provinces(Augmented labour force)
20 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major industry division, sex and area: Pakistan & Provinces
21 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major occupation groups, sex and area:  Pakistan & Provinces
22 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by employment status, number of hours worked during reference week and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
23 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major industry divisions, occupation groups and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
24 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major sectors of employment, sex, area, Pakistan and Provinces
25 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over engaged in informal sector by major industry divisions, sex and area: Pakistan & Provinces
26 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over engaged in informal sector by major occupation groups, sex and area: Pakistan & Provinces
27 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over engaged in informal sector by employment status, sex, area, Pakistan and Provinces
28 Percentage distribution of under employed persons (i.e. those who worked less than 35 hours during reference week and were available/seeking for alternative or additional work) by employment status, sex, area and province 
29 Percentage distribution of underemployed persons (i.e. those who worked less than 35 hours during reference week and were available/seeking for alternative or additional work) by age, area and sex: Pakistan & Provinces
30 Percentage distribution of underemployed persons (i.e. those who worked less than 35 hours during reference week and were available/seeking for alternative or additional work) by area, sex and level of education: Pakistan & Provinces
31 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over who worked less than 35 hours during reference week by reasons, sex and province
32 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered by status of  occupational injuries/diseases by area, sex and provinces
33 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered occupational injuries/diseases by major industry division, sex and area: Pakistan & Provinces
34 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered occupational injuries/diseases by major occupation groups, sex and area: Pakistan & Provinces
35 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered occupational injuries/diseases by employment status, province, sex and area 
36 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered occupational injuries/diseases by type of treatment received, sex, area and provinces
37 Percentage Distribution of unemployed persons 10 years of age and over who were not available for work due to certain reasons by sex, area and provinces
38 Percentage distribution of unemployed persons 10 years of age and over by age, sex, level of education: Pakistan & Province, Rural & Urban
39 Percentage distribution of unemployed persons with previous experience of work by major occupation groups, sex, level of education: Pakistan & Province, Rural & Urban 
40 Percentage distribution of population 10 years of age and over by sex, marital status and nature of activities: Pakistan & Province, Rural & Urban
41 Percentage distribution   of employees 10 years of age and over by average monthly payment categories, sex and province
42 Percentage distribution of employees by wage groups, major industry and sex.
43 Percentage distribution of employees by wage groups, major occupational and sex.
44 Mean hours worked during reference week, sex, area, Pakistan and Provinces


Annexure-IV: *Statistical Tables (only in e report)

45 Percentage distribution of migrant population 10 years of age and over by period of migration, sex, area and provinces: Rural & Urban
46 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major occupation groups, place of work and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
47 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by hours worked, major occupation groups and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
48 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by hours worked, major industry divisions and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
49 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over who were seeking alternative work during last week by province, area and sex
50 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major industry divisions, place of work and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
51 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by status of availability for additional work, province, area and sex
52 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by employment status, age and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
53 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major occupation groups, employment status and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
54 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major industry division, employment status and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
55 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major occupation groups, age and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
56 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major industry divisions, age and sex: Pakistan & Provinces, Rural & Urban
57 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major occupation groups, sex and area (augmented employment): Pakistan & Provinces
58 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over by major industry divisions, sex and area (augmented employment): Pakistan & Provinces
59 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over engaged in informal sector by number of hours worked, sex, Pakistan and Provinces:  Rural & Urban
60 Percentage distribution of employees 10 years of age and over by periodicity of payment, sex and province:  Rural & Urban
61 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over available for/seeking additional work by employment status, area, sex, Pakistan and Provinces 
62 Percentage distribution of underemployed persons (i.e. those who worked less than 35 hours during reference week and were available for/seeking additional or alternative work) by major industry divisions, area and sex: Pakistan & Provinces
63 Percentage distribution of underemployed persons (i.e. those who worked less than 35 hours during reference week and were available for/seeking additional or alternative work) by major occupation groups, area and sex: Pakistan & Provinces
64 Percentage distribution of employed persons who did not work during reference week by reasons, area and sex: Pakistan & Provinces
65 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered occupational injuries/diseases by unsafe act that caused the accident/disease, area and sex: Pakistan & Provinces
66 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered occupational injuries/diseases by unsafe conditions causing the accident/disease, area and sex: Pakistan & Provinces
67 Percentage distribution of employed persons 10 years of age and over suffered occupational injuries/diseases by type of incapacity to work by area and sex: Pakistan & Provinces
68 Percentage distribution of un-employed persons 10 years of age and over excluding those not available for work due to certain reasons by period of seeking work, sex area and province
69 Percentage distribution of un-employed persons 10 years of age and over excluding  unemployed persons not available for work due to certain reasons by steps taken during last month in search of work, sex, area and province
70 Percentage distribution of un-employed persons 10 years of age and over with period of previous experience, sex, area and province
71 Percentage distribution of persons 10 years of age and over who were not in labour force by reasons, area, sex and Provinces.