Brief on PSLM Survey

PSLM Survey is a regular activity of PBS since 1st July 2015, earlier it was PSDP funded project started in July 2004 and continued up to 30th June 2015. It was designed to provide Social & Economic indicators in the alternate years at provincial and district levels.  The data generated through surveys was used to assist the government in formulating the poverty reduction strategy as well as development plans at district level for the rapid assessment of programs in the overall context of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As such this survey was one of the main mechanisms for the monitoring of MDGs indicator as out of 16 targets and 37 indicators adopted by Pakistan, 6 targets and 15 indicators were monitored through PSLM Surveys, which were conducted at district level and at Provincial level respectively at alternate years.

PSLM District level survey collected information on key Social indicators which is the main source of estimation of Multi-Dimensional Poverty, whereas provincial level surveys (Social & HIES) collected information on social indicators as well as on Income and Consumption. HIES data is used by Planning Commission for estimation of consumption based Poverty.

The sample size of PSLM surveys district level was approximately 80000 households and approximately 26000 at Provincial level. Ten Surveys (District/Provincial were conducted during PSLM Project w.e.f. 2004 to June, 2015 and reports are published and micro data sets along with reports are also placed at PBS Website.

PSLM and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

UN has adopted new development plan for post 2015 monitoring called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under SDGs there are 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 indicators. The agenda of SDGs is very comprehensive and it is designed in such a way that they are addressing the individuals rather than the households so that benefits can reach up to individual level. There are Global goals, regional and sub-regional goals to address the issues. United Nations Statistics Division has assigned the task of monitoring & reporting of SDGs to the National Statistical organizations globally, therefore Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is the central Statistical organization for monitoring of SDGs with the network of 34 regional /field offices all over Pakistan.

As PSLM questionnaire was not changed during the life of project, therefore, keeping in view the changed ground realities & adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Technical Committee was constituted to review both questionnaires of PSLM (District & Provincial Level). Four sub-committees were formed on

  • Poverty Labour & Employment
  • Education
  • Health
  • Housing Water & Sanitation

In the light of the recommendations of the sub-committees questionnaires have been amended and then approved by the main technical committee, the following modules were added: -

Provincial Level SDGs Reference Indicator District Level SDGs Reference Indicator
Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) 2.1.2 Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) 2.1.2
Information Communication Technology (ICT) 4.4.1, 5.b.1 and  17.8.1 Information Communication Technology (ICT)   4.4.1, 5.b.1 and  17.8.1
Unmet Need of Family Planning 3.7.1 Assets 4.5.1 and 5.a.1(a)
Food away from home -    
Water Availability and Hygiene 6.2.1 Water Availability and Hygiene 6.2.1
Malaria, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis 3.3.3,3.2 and 3.3.4 Disability (Functional Limitation)  

Besides these modules certain questions were also added in different modules to cover SDGs indicators through PSLM/HIES Survey

PSLM Surveys instrumental in monitoring of SDGs. It is worth mentioning here that, after detail work on mapping of SDGs it is found that 31 indicators of SDGs will be monitored through PSLM Surveys.

PBS has also chalked down the series of surveys till the completion of SDGs i.e.2030.  

2018-19 PSLM (Social)/ Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) The activities of PSLM (Social)/HIES 2018-19 has been completed. Key Finding Report, Social Report, and HIES Report along with microdata have been released and is available on website. Provincial Level
2019-20 Pakistan Social & Living Standard Measurement Survey (PSLM) PSLM Survey (2019-20)  is one of the biggest surveys of Pakistan covering 6500 blocks comprising of 195000 households, PSLM survey is first household survey of PBS for which data has been collected electronically through tablets under “ Digital Transformation” with added modules "Migration, Disability, Information Communication Technology (ICT) , Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES), Selected Durable Item owned by the household, Water Sanitation, and Hygiene, Solid Waste Management" including previous modules of Education, Employment, Health Pre and post-natal care, Benefits from services and facilities. District Level  

The same pattern will be repeated till 2030

Main Indicators

Indicators on Demographic characteristics, Education, Health, Employment, Household Assets, Household Amenities, Population Welfare and Water Supply & Sanitation are developed at National/Provincial /District levels.

Data Newly Released:-

  • PSLM/HIES National/Provincial Level microdata for the year 2018-19 has been released and available on the website.
  • HIES/HIICS National/Provincial Level microdata for the year 2015-16 has been released and available on the website.
  • MicroData of all rounds of PSLM from 2004-05 to 2014-15 is now available on the website of PBS on
  • MicroData of Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (PIHS) 1998-99, 2001-02 is also available on the website of PBS on



1 Average household Size Yearly
1 Population that has ever attended school Yearly
2 Population that has completed primary level or higher Yearly
3 Gross Enrolment rate at Primary, Middle and Matric Levels Yearly
4 Net Enrolment rate at Primary, Middle and Matric Levels Yearly
5 Gross Enrolment rate for Government primary Schools(Excluding Katchi class) Yearly
6 Net Enrolment rate for Government primary Schools(Excluding Katchi class) Yearly
7 Primary level Enrolment in government schools as percentage of total primary  enrolment Yearly
8 Enrolment in Government Schools as a percentage of total enrolment at primary level  Alternate year(P)
9 Percentage of children 10-18 years old that left school before completing Primary level Alternate year(P)
10 Drop-out rates for the cohort aged 15-19 years Alternate year(P)
11 Primary level enrolment in Private schools Alternate year(P)
12 Reasons for leaving school before completing primary level (10-18 years) Alternate year(P)
13 Reasons for never attending schools (10-18 years) Alternate year(P)
14 Literacy level –Population 10 years and older Yearly
15 Adult Literacy level – Population 15 years and older Yearly
1 Percentage of children aged 12-23 months that have been immunized Yearly
2 Percentage of children aged 12-23 months that have been immunized by type of Antigen – Based on Record Yearly
3 Percentage of children aged 12-23 months that have been immunized by type of Antigen – Based on Record and recall Yearly
4 Children under 5 suffering from diarrhea in past 30 days Yearly
5 Treatment of diarrhea in children under 5 years Yearly
6 Type of practitioner consulted for diarrhea treatment Yearly
7 Infant Mortality rate Alternate year(P)
8 Pregnant women that have received TetnusToxoid injections Yearly
9 Prenatal consultations Yearly
10 Child delivery – Location and Type of Assistance  
11 Postnatal consultations Yearly
1 Percentage of women aged 15-49 years ever married Alternate year(P)
2 Mean number of children ever born to women aged 15 -49 years Alternate year(P)
3 Mean number of children ever born to ever married women aged 15 -49 years Alternate year(P)
4 Age Specific and Total Fertility Rates – women aged 15-49 years Alternate year(P)
5 Awareness and use of Family Planning methods Alternate year(P)
6 Women currently using Family Planning -CPR Alternate year(P)
7 Commonly known methods of Family Planning Alternate year(P)
8 Reasons for never practicing Family Planning Alternate year(P)
9 Type of family Planning method currently being used Alternate year(P)
10 Sources of family Planning methods Alternate year(P)
11 Attitude towards Family planning methods Alternate year(P)
1 Main source of Drinking Water Yearly
2 Percentage of households paying for water Alternate year(P)
3 Who installed the water Delivery system Alternate year(P)
4 Distance to water source Alternate year(P)
5 Type of Toilet used by the households Yearly
6 Type of Sanitation system used Alternate year(P)
7 Percentage Distribution of households by housing tenure Alternate year(D)
8 Percentage Distribution of households by material used for roof Alternate year(D)
9 Percentage Distribution of households by material used for walls Alternate year(D)
10 Percentage Distribution of households by number of rooms Alternate year(D)
11 Percentage Distribution of households by Fuel used for Lighting Alternate year(D)
12 Percentage Distribution of households by Fuel used for cooking Alternate year(D)
1 Percentage distribution of households by Perception of their Economic situation compared to the year before Alternate year(D)
2 Percentage distribution of households by Perception of their Economic situation of the community compared to the year before Alternate year(D)
3 Percentage Distribution of household satisfaction by Facilities and service use Alternate year(D)
  Household Integrated Economic Survey  
1 Average Household size and its composition by sex and quintiles Alternate year(P)
2 Average number of earners per household Alternate year(P)
3 Average monthly household consumption expenditure Alternate year(P)
4 Average monthly household Income Alternate year(P)
5 Percentages of monthly household income shares by source and areas Alternate year(P)
6 Percentage of monthly consumption expenditure by Commodity groups Alternate year(P)
7 Percentage of monthly expenditure on 17 major food items Alternate year(P)
8 Percentage distribution of employed persons by industry divisions ,employment status,sex and area Alternate year(P)
9 Percentage distribution of employed persons by occupation  Groups, Employment status,sex and area Type of family Planning method currently being used Alternate year(P)
10 Sources of  monthly household Receipts(other than income) by quintiles Alternate year(P)
11 Percentage distribution of monthly income by type of employed persons Alternate year(P)

          * P for provincial, D for district level survey