List of participant
National Accounts of Pakistan
Rebasing From 1980-81 to 1999-2000
Dr. Agha Ghazanfar
Government of Pakistan
Statistics Division
SLIC Building, Plot # 5, F-6/4, Blue Area,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel : 051-921-1406 / 920-5287
Fax: 051-922-0747
E-mail :
Federal Bureau of Statistics
National Accounts
SLIC Building, Plot # 5, F-6/4, Blue Area,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: (DG: 051 - 9208489 DDG, NA: 051 – 9203162)
Fax: (DG: 051 - 9203233 DDG, NA: 051 – 9206284)
Map of Pakistan
Chapter 1: Introduction
Section A, Gross Value Added
Chapter 2: Agricultural Sector
Chapter 3: Industrial Sector
Chapter 4: Services Sector
Section B, Expenditure on Gross National Product
Chapter 5: Expenditure on Gross National Product
Section C, Tables, Figures and Annexures
Table 1: Comparative statement of GDP & GNP estimates
Table 2: Comparative statement of GDP, GNP estimates and sectoral shares
Table 3: Comparative statement of GDP, GNP estimates and within sectoral shares
Table 4: Comparative statement of GFCF of private and public (combined) and general government sectors
Table 5: Comparative statement of GFCF of private, public and general government sector
Figure 1: Comparison of GDP, sectoral GDP and per capita income
Figure 2: Sectoral shares in GDP(%)
Figure 3: Comparison of sub-sectoral GDP
Figure 4: Comparison of sub-sectors of GDP(%)
Figure 5: Comparison of sectoral GFCF
Figure 6: Comparison of sub-sectoral GFCF
- GVA of Major Crops, 1999-2000
- Gross Output of Major Crops
- Harvest prices of Major Crops
- GVA of Minor Crops, 1999-2000
- Gross Output of Minor Crops
- Harvest prices of Minor Crops
- Gross Value of Non-Reported Crops, 1999-2000
- Gross Output of Non-Reported Crops
- Harvest Prices of Non-Reported Crops
- Value of Seed in Major Crops
- Value of Seed in Minor Crops
- Product-wise Off-take and Value of Fertilizer
- Valuation of Pesticides in Crops
- Valuation of Canal and Tube-well Water
- Value of ploughing and Planking for Crops
- Distribution of Inputs (Fertilizer, Pesticides & Water) between major and minor crops
- Livestock and Poultry Population, 1999-2000
- Livestock Population (Age Specific)
- Gross output of animals sold for Slaughtering
- Value of Natural Growth of animals
- Milk production
- Draught Power
- Production of Dung and Urine
- GVA of Hair and Wool of livestock
- GVA of Poultry and Poultry Products
- Value Added in Fishery
- Gross output of Forestry
- GVA of Mining & Quarrying
- GVA of Other Minerals
- GVA of Slaughtering Industry
- Poultry input for slaughtering
- Sector-wise expenditure on construction and GVA
- GVA estimates of Transport, Storage and Communications sectors
- Trade Margins and Rate of Marketable Surplus by Commodity (%)
- GVA of Wholesale, Retail trade, Hotels and Restaurants
- GVA of Financial Corporate Sector
- GVA estimate of Ownership of Dwellings
- Expenditure on Gross National Product
- GFCF in Crops Sector
- GFCF of Small Scale Industries
- GFCF in Construction Sector
- GFCF in Transport, Storage and communications Sector
- GFCF in Financial Corporate Sector
- List of Participant