List of participant
National Accounts of Pakistan
Rebasing From 1980-81 to 1999-2000     
Dr. Agha Ghazanfar
Government of Pakistan
Statistics Division
SLIC Building, Plot # 5, F-6/4, Blue Area,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel : 051-921-1406 / 920-5287     
Fax: 051-922-0747     
E-mail  :     
Federal Bureau of Statistics     
National Accounts     
SLIC Building, Plot # 5, F-6/4, Blue Area,     
Islamabad, Pakistan     
Tel:  (DG: 051 - 9208489 DDG, NA: 051 – 9203162)     
Fax: (DG: 051 - 9203233 DDG, NA: 051 – 9206284)     


Map of Pakistan

Chapter 1: Introduction

Section A, Gross Value Added
Chapter 2: Agricultural Sector
Chapter 3: Industrial Sector
Chapter 4: Services Sector

Section B, Expenditure on Gross National Product
Chapter 5: Expenditure on Gross National Product

Section C, Tables, Figures and Annexures


Table 1: Comparative statement of GDP & GNP estimates
Table 2: Comparative statement of GDP, GNP estimates and sectoral shares
Table 3: Comparative statement of GDP, GNP estimates and within sectoral shares
Table 4: Comparative statement of GFCF of private and public (combined) and general government sectors
Table 5: Comparative statement of GFCF of private, public and general government sector


Figure 1: Comparison of GDP, sectoral GDP and per capita income
Figure 2: Sectoral shares in GDP(%)
Figure 3: Comparison of sub-sectoral GDP
Figure 4: Comparison of sub-sectors of GDP(%)
Figure 5: Comparison of sectoral GFCF
Figure 6: Comparison of sub-sectoral GFCF


  1. GVA of Major Crops, 1999-2000
  2. Gross Output of Major Crops
  3. Harvest prices of Major Crops
  4. GVA of Minor Crops, 1999-2000
  5. Gross Output of Minor Crops
  6. Harvest prices of Minor Crops
  7. Gross Value of Non-Reported Crops, 1999-2000
  8. Gross Output of Non-Reported Crops
  9. Harvest Prices of Non-Reported Crops
  10. Value of Seed in Major Crops
  11. Value of Seed in Minor Crops
  12. Product-wise Off-take and Value of Fertilizer
  13. Valuation of Pesticides in Crops
  14. Valuation of Canal and Tube-well Water
  15. Value of ploughing and Planking for Crops
  16. Distribution of Inputs (Fertilizer, Pesticides & Water) between major and minor crops
  17. Livestock and Poultry Population, 1999-2000
  18. Livestock Population (Age Specific)
  19. Gross output of animals sold for Slaughtering
  20. Value of Natural Growth of animals
  21. Milk production
  22. Draught Power
  23. Production of Dung and Urine
  24. GVA of Hair and Wool of livestock
  25. GVA of Poultry and Poultry Products
  26. Value Added in Fishery
  27. Gross output of Forestry
  28. GVA of Mining & Quarrying
  29. GVA of Other Minerals
  30. GVA of Slaughtering Industry
  31. Poultry input for slaughtering
  32. Sector-wise expenditure on construction and GVA
  33. GVA estimates of Transport, Storage and Communications sectors
  34. Trade Margins and Rate of Marketable Surplus by Commodity (%)
  35. GVA of Wholesale, Retail trade, Hotels and Restaurants
  36. GVA of Financial Corporate Sector
  37. GVA estimate of Ownership of Dwellings
  38. Expenditure on Gross National Product
  39. GFCF in Crops Sector
  40. GFCF of Small Scale Industries
  41. GFCF in Construction Sector
  42. GFCF in Transport, Storage and communications Sector
  43. GFCF in Financial Corporate Sector
  44. List of Participant