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Disability Statistics
01 - Area, Population by sex, sex ratio, population density, urban proportion, household size and annual growth rate
02 - Urban localities by population size and their population by sex, annual growth rate and household size
03 - Number of rural localities by population size and their population by sex
04 - Population by single year age, sex and rural/urban
05 - Population by selected age group, sex and rural/urban
06 - Population (15 years and above) by age group, sex, marital status and rural/urban
07 - Population (15 years and above) by relationship to the head of household, sex, marital status and rural/urban
08 - Population by sex, age group, relationship to the head of household and rural/urban
09 - Population by sex, religion and rural/urban
10 - Population by nationality, age group, sex and rural/urban
11 - Population by mother tongue, sex and rural/urban
12 - Population (10 years and above) by literacy, sex, age group and rural/urban
13 - Population (10 years and above) by literacy, sex and rural/urban
14 - Literate population (10 years and above) by level of educational attainment, sex, age group and rural/urban
15 - Population (5 years and above) by level of educational attainment, sex, age group and rural/urban
16 - Population (10 years and above) by usual activity, sex, age group and rural/urban
17 - Disabled Population by Sex, Age Group and Rural/ Urban
18 - Disabled Population (05 Years and Above) by Sex, Age Group, Educational Attainment and Rural/Urban
19 - Disabled Population (10 Years and Above) by Sex, Age Group, Economic Activity and Rural/Urban
20 - Number of persons living abroad by sex and rural/urban
21 - Pakistani citizen (18 years and above) by holding computerized national identity card age group, sex, and rural/urban
22 - Homeless population by age group, sex, marital status, religion, literacy, activity and rural/urban
23 - Selected population statistics of rural localities
24 - Selected housing characteristics of rural localities
25 - Selected population statistics of urban localities
26 - Selected housing characteristics of urban localities
27 - Type of housing units, population by sex and rural/urban
28 - Household by number of persons and rural/urban
29 - Housing units by household size, number of rooms and rural/urban
30 - Housing units by number of rooms, tenure and rural/urban
31 - Owned housing units by sex of ownership and rural/urban
32 - Owned housing units by period of construction, number of rooms and rural/urban
33 - Housing units by tenure, material used in outer walls, roofs and rural/urban
34 - Owned housing units by period of construction, material used in outer walls, roofs and rural/urban
35 - Housing units by ownership, source of drinking water, lighting, cooking fuel used and rural/urban
36 - Owned housing units by period of construction, source of drinking water, lighting,cooking fuel used and rural/urban
37 - Housing units by tenure, kitchen, bathroom, latrine facilities and rural/urban
38 - Owned housing units by period of construction, housing facilities and rural/urban
39 - Owned housing units by period of construction, material used in outer walls, material used in roofs and rural/urban
40 - Number of households by source of information and rural/urban