Data linked from this page correspond to data described in the International Monetary Fund’s DSBB. For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the enhanced General Data Dissemination System in which Country participates, please visit the DSBB home page.

Macroeconomic and Financial Data

National Accounts (GDP)
Quarterly National Accounts 
Consumer Price Index
 General Government Operations 
 Central Government Operations
 Central Government Gross Debt
 Depository Corporations Survey
 Central Bank Survey
 Interest Rates
 Stock Market
 Balance of Payments
 External Debt
 Official Reserve Assets
 Merchandise Trade
 International Investment Position (IIP)
 Exchange Rates

 Macroeconomic and Financial Data: Encouraged Data

 Production Index
 Labor Market
 Producer Price Index
 Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) 

 Demographic and Selected Socio-Economic Indicators

 Socio-Demographic Indicators  

 Additional Data

 Other Real Sector Indicators 
 Consumer Confidence Survey 
 Depository Corporations Survey (detailed presentation) 
 Financial Access Survey 
 Balance of Payments (detailed presentation)  
 International Investment Position (detailed presentation) 
 Workers' Remittances 
For more Country data and information, please go here.